Ok, that was a trick question… translation training is absolutely worth it! I believe we all should be committed to continuous improvement. And becoming a great written translator requires both training and experience.

Here are a few benefits of translation training:

  1. Translating will become easier, because you will understand how it really works.
  2. You will know which tools and strategies to use, so you can work faster.
  3. The quality of your translations will increase, so you won’t have that nagging feeling of wondering if your work is good enough.
  4. You will be able to build a reputation as a skilled and reliable translator.

What is the practical result of being able to translate easier and faster?

  • If you do volunteer translation work for a nonprofit, you can translate more documents and help the nonprofit extend their impact.
  • If you do translation as a side hustle, you can earn more per hour even if you don’t change your per-word rate or project fees.

The elements of quality and reputation are even more important, because:

  • If a nonprofit produces low-quality translations, it will be seen as unprofessional.
  • If a paying client is dissatisfied with the quality of your translation work, they will probably tell others and it will be hard for you to get more clients.

That’s why translation training is definitely worth the time and cost involved. However, as we have mentioned in the two previous blog posts, there is an alternative to spending years and a fortune on university translation training.

The « Think Like a Translator » online course provides accelerated basic translation training in just a few weeks, and it won’t break the bank! It works in any language, because it is based on paradigm shifts and best practices. Very soon, you will find out how to get early access to the course (and some bonuses!).

Have a great day!

Liane 🙂




Liane R. Grant is an OTTIAQ-certified translator (French/English) based in Quebec, Canada. She has a B.A. and M.A. in Translation from Concordia University, and a Ph.D. in Translation Studies from Université de Montréal. Liane is the Founder and Project Manager of The King's Translators, a nonprofit and mainly volunteer translation team. As a Translation Strategist, she offers training for translators and revisers, as well as consulting to help organizations establish an in-house translation team in order to produce quality translations even on a limited budget.